dimanche 7 octobre 2007

The Road to 91 Runecrafting

This is my little Runescape blog for my new goal of 91 Runecrafting. The ultimate goal of this blog is to get 91 Runecrafting, then work long enough to get a partyhat.

In 2004, I first made a goal of fishing sharks for a partyhat. During a month, I spent all my free time on Runescape, fishing sharks. I was very motivated, I was certain I would succeed. And indeed, I did succeed, it was amazing. I write in my school agenda how many sharks I was supposed to have at x date, and I notably marked the day on which I was supposed to have all the sharks needed, and throughout the adventure I always made sure to work hard and be a little ahead of the schedule. For a month, I fished. And I owned a white partyhat.

But, I was foolish. My bank was empty except of my partyhat. I was too lazy to fish for some more money to get more items, so I sold my partyhat for a yellow one, to get some extra money to work with. Then I sold the yellow one for a purple, one, and I eventually sold the purple one aswell. Only when you lose something do you realise how that little something was important. I realised my error too late, the prices had already skyrocked, and I had lost my partyhat forever.

After that peek of success in 2004, everything went downhill. I wasn't motivated to work for another partyhat, because they were soo high in price, it would take forever. Back in 2004, partyhats only were around 40m, it was hard, but very possible.

But, a partyhat was always what I wanted, everything else was accessory.

Now, I want to succeed, I want that partyhat back. This time, I pay a big price for my foolishness, the work will be harder, and longer. I don't even care anymore about money, or even what a partyhat represents. I just want to succeed. If I was to quit Runescape eventually, with a partyhat, I would be content because I would have succeeded at it, and would be able to make my retire in peace of mind, and knowingness I succeeded.

I made this blog because I don't think I can do it without this blog. I am not one of those people that don't mind doing repetitive work. Repetiveness drives me insane, and bores me to my limits. I need things to vent my frustration and thoughts on. Furthermore, I quit Runescape for maybe two years, my friend list is dead, old friends quit aswell, the only people online on my friend list are acquaintances, not friends, they can't really help me in this. I'm lonely on Runescape, in a perpertual silence, I can only remember with nostalgy the times I had a lot of friends to talk with and have fun with. It makes it worse, to have no one to talk to. Atleast a blog has a sheet of paper I can talk to.

Well, the road begins. More about it on the next entry.

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